Neology Section
Neology research line develops under the coordination of Profa. Dra. María Tadea Díaz Hormigo, fundamentally by the research of members from the excellence group “Semaínein” (HUM 147) (HUM 147) of the Andalusian Research, Development and Innovation Plan. It is also appointed to the Neology Node of the University of Cádiz (NEOUCA). Since 2008, this node is part of the Observatory Network of Castilian Neology (NEOROC), coordinated by the Observatori de Neologia de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra, by a specific collaboration agreement between the University of Cádiz and the Universitat Pompeu Fabra for participating in the NEOUCA node in the NEOROC network and the cooperation in neology research (cf.
From the definitions of neología as the process of creation of new lexical units and the discipline that studies this process of creation and of neologismo as the product that results from the process, that is, the new lexical unit, recently created either only in its signifier, only in its meaning, in its meaning and in its signifier, or recently taken from another language, we proceeded to the preparation of different corpus of analysis, on which we based our investigations. These corpus are made up of neologisms documented in a) oral and written texts from the media and written texts from various publications aimed at a general public, which have been rigorously collected manually since 2006; b) written press texts emptied since 2008 by the Data Bank of the Observatori de Neologia del Institut de Lingüística Aplicada (IULA) at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (, and c) oral and written advertising texts in the language of advertising in general, since 2008, and in the beauty and hairdressing sectors in particular, since 2009, taken from informative magazines, television commercials, posters and billboards, packaging and the websites of the selling companies.
The applied research carried out to date has focused on the fulfilment of objectives and actions which, due to their interdisciplinary nature, are located in different specialised areas. In particular, the activities undertaken revolve around the interrelationships
- Neology and lexicography
- Neology and grammar
- Neology and linguistic process
- Neology and communication and linguistic consultancy
- Neology and politics and linguistic planning
- Neology and translation
- Neology and terminology
- Neology and theory and language teaching (oral and sign language)
In relation to these spheres, the main lines of research developed are those related to the vitality of the mechanisms of formation and lexical creation, fundamentally those traditionally known as the morphological procedures of word formation; the relations between neology and other linguistic disciplines, the processing of neologisms; the neurocognitive bases of neology; the newly created metaphor; priming and neology; the neological creation in the language of advertising; and the relationship between advertising and neology.
Among the objectives that are intended to be covered in this field of action are, on the one hand, obviously, to contribute to the achievement of the common objectives and marked as belonging to the Observatory Network of Castilian Neology (NEOROC), in which, as we said, we are part of, and which are:
- To constitute a corpus of neologisms of the different varieties of Spanish, generated from the media.
- To describe and analyse the resources used by the Spanish language, either in a single variety or between different geolectal varieties, in order to update its lexicon and also to measure the vitality of the language, publicising the work carried out and the results obtained by the members of NEOROC both through their own publications and in the conferences, lectures and communications given in different national and international frameworks.
- To periodically disseminate the new lexical creations of Spanish, which is done, on the one hand, both in the form of papers, with the neologisms documented every year in Spanish, and, on the other hand, in the form of dictionaries or glossaries of neologisms.
- Contribute to updating the lexicon contained in the general language dictionaries.
But, in particular, within the framework of the Cabinet of Language Technologies and Language Industries of the University Institute for Research in Applied Linguistics, we pursue the following aims and objectives:
- Contribute to the updating of theories and theoretical presuppositions on word formation contained in grammars, monographs, articles and specific treatises, and in linguistic dictionaries.
- Contribute to the updating of entries of suffixes, prefixes and compositional elements (formants, in general) of the general language dictionaries, as well as to the information that, referring to these formative elements, appears in specific grammars and monographic studies of word formation.
- To study in depth the psycholinguistic processes of lexical acquisition based on the analysis of the production and interpretation mechanisms of the new units.
- To account for the resources that languages use for the creation of new lexical units, taking into account the different styles and registers, and, fundamentally, the distinction between written and oral language.
- To account for the resources that languages use for the creation of new lexical units in the different fields of social communication.
- To account for the resources that languages use for the creation of new lexical units in the different areas of specialized communication with special attention to journalistic, advertising, administrative and political language.
- To account for the resources that languages use for the creation of new lexical units, taking into account the sociolinguistic variables of sex, age and social strata.
- Carry out contrastive studies of the resources used by the different languages to update their lexicon.
- Elaborate materials that facilitate the work of standardisation of neologisms.
- To establish the theoretical bases for the elaboration of a dictionary of neologisms, in which it is realized, from a theoretical and applied point of view, that the phonetic, phonological, morphophonological, morphological, morphological, semantic, syntactic and pragmatic considerations must necessarily be taken into account for the structurally adequate description of the lexical innovations and the correct semantic interpretation of them, as well as the importance of the intervention of stylistic, sociolinguistic factors – above all, those related to the linguistic variation by class, geography and – and psycholinguistic factors in the production and interpretation of the new units.
- With regard to the relationship between linguistic sexism and neology, reflect on the creation of new words for the designation of new social realities, with special attention to the designations of new professions hitherto considered as belonging to only one sex.
In order to achieve these objectives, different actions have been planned, which, in general terms, basically consist of the following
- the signing of agreements with the different platforms created for the common registration of the neology of the different geographical varieties of Spanish in Latin America, the different modalities of Spanish for mainland Spain, the diatopic modalities of Catalan and other Romance languages (French, Galician, Italian, Portuguese and Romanian), since, in fact, we are already cooperating with these working groups on neology by exchanging our results;
- the signing of contracts with publishers for the production and updating of dictionaries and monographic works related to the subject matter and for the revision of the translation of neologisms in literary works or their use in certain types of texts;
- the integration into broader research projects on types of language or on phenomena and aspects of language in which neology takes on a certain role, such as sexism in certain types of texts, language processing, etc.;
- participation in national and international projects in collaboration with other institutes, research groups or universities and institutions to carry out contrastive studies using different languages;
- the establishment of collaboration agreements with the media, in order to expand the corpus of neologisms for the study of this phenomenon, and
- from the point of view of training, the teaching of courses, workshops and seminars on the subject for the creation of specialists in this field, as well as the inclusion of neology as a subject in courses on sexism, translation, lexicography, language teaching (oral and sign language), etc.
- Díaz Hormigo, María Tadea (2000): Disciplinas lingüísticas y formación de palabras. Documentos de Investigación Lingüística, Volumen 6. Cádiz: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Cádiz.
- Díaz Hormigo, María Tadea (28/05/2004): “Restricciones del sistema y restricciones de la norma en la formación de palabras”, Lingüística en la Red, II, pp. 1-26. Publicación electrónica:,
- Díaz Hormigo, María Tadea (2004): “Neología y tecnología: a propósito de los programas de detección automática de neologismos”, Español Actual, 82, pp. 116-119.
- Díaz Hormigo, María Tadea (2007): “Algunas consideraciones sobre la distinción sistema/norma en el dominio de la formación de palabras”. En P. Cano López, I. Fernández López, M. González Pereira G. Prego Vázquez, Gabriela y M. Souto Gómez (eds.): Actas del VI Congreso de Lingüística General. Santiago de Compostela, 3-7 de mayo de 2004. II.b Las lenguas y su estructura. Madrid: Arco/Libros, pp. 2459-2468
- Díaz Hormigo, María Tadea (2007): “Aproximación lingüística a la neología léxica”. En J. C. Martín Camacho y M. I. Rodríguez Ponce (eds.): Morfología: Investigación, docencia, aplicaciones. Actas del II Encuentro de Morfología: Investigación y Docencia. Cáceres, 5 de mayo de 2006. Cáceres: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Extremadura, pp. 33-54.
- Díaz Hormigo, María Tadea (2009): “Neología léxica, motivación lingüística y lenguaje publicitario”. En M. Veyrat Rigat y E. Serra Alegre, Enrique: La lingüística como reto epistemológico y como acción social. Estudios dedicados al profesor Ángel López García con ocasión de su sexagésimo aniversario. Volumen II. Madrid: Arco/Libros, pp. 1027-1036.
- Díaz Hormigo, María Tadea (2010): “Revisión historiográfica de los conceptos “neología” y “neologismo”“. En C. Assunção, G. Fernandes e M. Loureiro (eds.): Ideias Linguísticas na Península Ibérica (séc. XIV a séc. XIX). Volume I. Münster: Nodus Publikationen, pp. 167-176.
- Díaz Hormigo, María Tadea (2011): “Word Formation Processes and Proposals for the Classification of Formal Neologisms”. En J. L. Cifuentes Honrubia y S. Rodríguez Rosique (eds.): Spanish Word Formation and Lexical Creation, Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Jonh Benjamins, pp. 347-367.
- Díaz Hormigo, María Tadea (2012): “La formación de palabras: tendencias predominantes en la derivación”. En E. T. Montoro del Arco (ed.): Neología y creatividad lingüística. Quaderns de Filologia de la Universitat de València, 77, pp. 83-112.
- Díaz Hormigo, María Tadea (2012): “Consideraciones sobre la flexión de los compuestos sintagmáticos”. En A. Fábregas, E. Felíu, J. Martín y J. Pazó (eds.): Los límites de la morfología. Estudios ofrecidos a Soledad Varela Ortega. Madrid: Ediciones de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, pp. 133-143.
- Díaz Hormigo, María Tadea (2012): “Lexical Creation and Euphemism: Regarding the Distinction Denominative or Referential Neology vs. Stylistic or Expressive Neology”, Lexis. Journal in English Lexicology, 7, pp. 107-120.
- Díaz Hormigo, María Tadea (2015): “Neología aplicada y lexicografía: para la (necesaria) actualización de las entradas de los elementos de formación de palabras en diccionarios generales”, Revista de Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas, 10, pp. 12-20.
- Díaz Hormigo, María Tadea (2016): “Micromecenazgo”, Martes neológico (2 de febrero de 2016).
- Díaz Hormigo, María Tadea (2017): “Neología y niveles lingüísticos: a propósito del análisis morfológico de las creaciones léxicas”, En B. Almeida Cabrejas, A. Blanco Canales, J. J. García Sánchez y M. D. Jiménez López (eds.): Investigaciones actuales en Lingüística. Vol. II. Semántica, Lexicología y Morfología. Alcalá de Henares: Universidad de Alcalá, pp. 51-65.
- Díaz Hormigo, María Tadea (2017): “Reflections on the translation of neological lexical units”. En A. Bécart, V. Merola y R. López-Campos Bodineau (eds.): Current Approaches to Translation and Interpretation Studies. Sevilla: Editorial Bienza, pp. 13-18.
- Díaz Hormigo, María Tadea, Varo Varo, Carmen (2012): “Neology and cognition”. En B. Eizaga (ed.): Studies in Linguistics and Cognition. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, pp. 15-34.
- Díaz Hormigo, María Tadea; Varo Varo, Carmen, Vega Moreno, Érika (2016): “Las investigaciones del Nodo de Neología de la Universidad de Cádiz (NEOUCA)”. En M. C. Sánchez Manzanares (ed.): Estudios de neología del español. Murcia: Editum, pp. 79-107.
- Díaz Hormigo, María Tadea, Vega Moreno, Érika (2019): “Neología aplicada y transferencia del conocimiento: las aplicabilidades actuales de la investigación en neología”, E-AESLA. Revista digital de lingüística aplicada, 5.
- Varo Varo, Carmen (2016): “Aproximación neurosemántica a la neología”. En J. García Palacios, G. De Sterck, D. Linder, N. Maroto, M. Sánchez Ibáñez y Torres del Rey, J. (eds.): La neología en las lenguas románicas. Recursos, estrategias y nuevas orientaciones. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, pp. 85-99.
- Varo Varo, Carmen (2017): “Hacia una nueva interpretación del significado léxico a la luz de algunos datos sobre el procesamiento lingüístico”. En I. Olza, C. Pérez-Salazar y N. Celayeta (eds.): Semántica, léxico y fraseología. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, pp. 57-69.
- Varo Varo, Carmen (2013): “Aproximación teórico-práctica al procesamiento lingüístico de neologismos léxicos”, Revista Signos 46(81), pp. 132-152.
- Varo Varo, Carmen (2017): “Nuevos retos en la investigación del contenido léxico: elementos para una neurosemántica”, Rilce. Revista de Filología Hispánica, 33.3, pp. 1032-1059.
- Varo Varo, Carmen (2018): “Conformación y destrucción del lazo semático: de la metáfora infantil a la demencia adulta”, E-AESLA. Revista digital de lingüística aplicada, 4, pp. 264-275.
- Vega Moreno, Érika (2010): Las creaciones neológicas en el lenguaje de la publicidad. Cádiz: Universidad de Cádiz. Trabajo de investigación inédito para la obtención del Diploma de Estudios Avanzados.
- Vega Moreno, Érika (2015): “La creación neológica como herramienta publicitaria”. En M. González Sanz (coord.): Jóvenes aportaciones a la investigación lingüística. Sevilla: Ediciones Alfar, pp. 351-365.
- Vega Moreno, Érika (2016): La creatividad léxica en el lenguaje de la publicidad. Análisis lingüístico de los mecanismos de producción e interpretación neológicas en los sectores de la estética y la peluquería. Cádiz: Universidad de Cádiz. Tesis doctoral inédita.
- Vega Moreno, Érika (2016): “Bases metodológicas para el estudio de las creaciones léxicas en el lenguaje de la publicidad”. En P. Ruano San Segundo, G. Nieto Caballero y E. Fernández de Molina Ortés (eds.): Nuevos enfoques en investigación lingüística. Cáceres: Universidad de Extremadura, pp. 57-73.
- Vega Moreno, Érika (2016): CORPUS de candidatos NEOlógicos localizados en anuncios PUBLIcitarios. CORPUS NEOPUBLI, v. 1.0. Cadiz: Universidad de Cádiz.
- Vega Moreno, Érika (2016): “Wok”, Martes neológico (6 de septiembre de 2016).
- Vega Moreno, Érika (2016): “El préstamo como procedimiento de creación neológica”, Pragmalingüística, 24, pp. 281-292.
- Vega Moreno, Érika (2017): “La creatividad léxica en el lenguaje de la publicidad. Análisis lingüístico de los mecanismos de producción e interpretación neológicas en los sectores de la estética y la peluquería”. En S. Fernández Gómez, R. Martínez Aguirre, Z. Núñez Bayo y C. Ureña Tormo (eds.): Investigaciones actuales en Lingüística. Vol. VII. Planes de investigación de doctorado. Alcalá de Henares: Universidad de Alcalá, pp. 63-77.
- Vega Moreno, Érika (2017): “Productividad de los mecanismos de creación léxica en el lenguaje de la publicidad”. En I. Olza, C. Pérez-Salazar y N. Celayeta (eds.): Semántica, léxico y fraseología. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, pp. 145-160.
- Vega Moreno, Érika (2018): “Las fichas neológicas como herramientas de investigación lingüística”, Lingüística en la Red, XV, pp. 1-14. Publicación electrónica:,
- Vega Moreno, Érika (en prensa). “Nuevos enfoques metodológicos para el estudio de las creaciones léxicas”. En A. Hernández Días y A. E. Pérez Baraja (eds.): Propuestas metodológicas para la investigación lingüística. Colima: Universidad de Colima.
- Vega Moreno, Érika (en prensa): “Acercamiento al estudio de las unidades neológicas en el sector publicitario de la alimentación”, Actas del XIII Congreso Internacional de Lingüística General, Vigo: Universidad de Vigo.
- Vega Moreno, Érika y Llopart Saumell, Elisabet (2017): “Delimitación de los conceptos de ‘novedad’ y ‘neologicidad’”, Rilce: Revista de Filología Hispánica, 33.3, pp. 1416-1451.