High Resolution Digitalisation
Zeutschel 12002 Os Advanced Plus Scanner.
It is part of a new generation of scanners with an A2+ format and exceptional sizes (635mm x 460 mm). The OS 12002 Advanced Plus uses a linear capture sensor (linear CCD) with a resolution as high as 600 ppp. In order to achieve a superior image quality, brightness and contrast.
The scan mode is either colour scan (24 bits) or greyscale in different formats, uncompressed TIFF, TIFF G4, JPEG, JPEG2000, Multipage TIFF, Multipage PDF, PDF, BMP, PNG, GIF, PCX.
DIN A2 at 400 dpi scanning speed is roughly 3.8 seconds and DIN A2 colour digitalisation at 600 dpi is 9 seconds. Respectful and gentle in the preservation of the works to digitalise, it maintains an exclusive care in the preservation of documents and delicate works.
Services we offer:
- High quality digitalisation of any kind of document: corporate, administrative, commercial, legal, medicalor private, heritage, historical, cultural, public, museum, photographs, maps, plans, manuscripts…
- Different sizes.
- Document preparation and elaboration.
- Format diversity: PDF, TIFF, JPEG.
- Black/White and colour.
Is a technician needed? Yes.
Is a technician available? Yes
Rate proposal according to regulations (in euros):
A4 201-500 PAGES | 0.25 € | 0.30 € | 0.35 € |
A4 501-1000 PAGES | 0.21 € | 0.26 € | 0.31 € |
A4 + 1000 PAGES | 0.18 € | 0.23 € | 0.28 € |
A3 201-500 PAGES | 0.34 € | 0.39 € | 0.44 € |
A3 501- 1000 PAGES | 0.29 € | 0.34 € | 0.39 € |
A3 + 1000 PAGES | 0.25 € | 0.29 € | 0.34 € |
CD-R BURNING OF THE FINAL PAPER | 3 € | 3.5 € | 4 € |
DVD-R BURNING (4.7 GB) | 4 € | 4.5 € | 5 € |
The rates are per scanned page, in euros. For less than 200 pages, please consult with the coordinators.
Request via CAU to ILA.
Coordinators: Mario Crespo Miguel and Mercedes Ramírez Salado.
Location: Institute of Applied Linguistics (ILA) Linguistic Consultancy Office, Simón Bolívar Building, 2nd floor. Duque de Nájera Avenue 16, 11002 Cadiz.
Contact information: digitalización.ila@uca.es