Closing ceremony of the III Dissemination Days of the Institute of Applied Linguistics “Language Sciences within everyone’s reach” 11 November 2022
On the 4th and 5th of November, we held the III Dissemination Days of the Institute of Applied Linguistics “Language Sciences within everyone’s reach”, in which we had a great participation from students of the different linguistic and philological degrees. On Thursday, the attendees enjoyed the talks given by Prof. Rosa Estopà Bagot and Prof. Ana Medina Reguera in the Main Hall of the Faculty of Philosophy and Arts, while on Friday, they were able to get to know the ILA facilities and the research work of its members.
This year we also had a visit to the ILA facilities by the students of the Talentum Program of Cadiz, in which they were able to familiarize themselves with the Institute, its structure and the activities carried out by its members, as well as to enjoy different games and activities aimed at illustrating the use we make of language and how its study is approached. The visit ended with a tour of the new Experimental Linguistics Unit, where the students were able to learn about the new semi-anechoic and reverberant chambers, as well as the use of devices such as the Eyetracker and the encephalogram in the study of language.
We would like to thank all the attendees and researchers for their participation in this activity, hoping that they enjoyed this edition as much as we did.